Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.― B.K.S Iyengar.

We are excited to grow our practice and life with you! As a commitment to offering this community a vast and rich experience we are constantly exploring ways to transform. Below are some upcoming workshops that we are honored to share with you.

Yin Yoga + Sound Bath

Friday, September 13th


with Brittany Lamb + Naomi Faulk

Join us for an evening of deep opening, healing sound bowls, and bliss.

The sound bowls will be played during the yin yoga class.

Mindfulness for Self Compassion

4 Week Course

A four-week course designed to give you a container to practice self compassion through mindfulness and meditation, while setting the foundation for your practice.

With Jenna Starkey


Sun. Sept. 8 at 6:15-7:45 pm

Sun. Sept. 15 at 6:15-7:45pm

Sun. Sept. 29 at 6:15-7:45 pm

Sun. Oct. 6 at 6:15-7:45pm


  • Weekly 90 minute in-person sessions at The Yoga Shala at 455 Judah St. in San Francisco

  • Intimate and safe community with 6-15 other people

  • Weekly customized intentions designed by the group, with actionable resources

  • Connection & check-ins via email

  • Themes, teaching, guided meditation, and group sharing

  • + Optional: Individual coaching session with me to customize and deepen the work

This course is for you if: 

  • You struggle with self-criticism or negative self-talk

  • You want to develop a kinder, more compassionate relationship with yourself

  • You're looking to cultivate self-awareness through mindfulness and meditation

  • You want to learn how to use meditation techniques to nurture self-compassion

  • You're seeking tools to manage stress and difficult emotions with greater ease

  • You want to explore practices that promote self-acceptance and inner peace

  • You're interested in using mindfulness to enhance your overall well-being and self-care

  • You're craving a supportive environment to develop your self-compassion practice

  • You want to learn how to balance self-improvement with self-acceptance

  • You're ready to prioritize your emotional health and inner growth

Exhale Twist

Tuesday, September 17th


with Denisha Brekke

A Workshop to Demystify Twists and Binds

Twists and binds are exciting parts of yoga! But how to actually achieve them? What is the point? Twisting and binding detoxify our organs, our cells, and our minds. Twisting and binding are available in many standing and seated poses. Teachers often invite binds in poses we do often like parsvottanasana (extended side angle) but it might feel too rushed in public classes to try them. Many standing balance poses, like bird of paradise, must be achieved with a full bind. We will focus on this realm of yoga asana to start making them accessible in your regular yoga practice. 

This workshop is designed for all-levels. All yogis will learn more about the benefits of twists and binds, and for 90 minutes we will break them down, warm up, and flow through a practice with commentary. Advanced yogis will get a chance to go deeper.

Vinyasa + Vision Boards

With Emily McCune

Sunday, September 22 6:30pm-8:15pm

Join us on September 22 to celebrate the portal into fall with an immersive workshop: Vinyasa & Vision Boards.
Come ready to move through an energizing Vinyasa flow, and then stay to create and set your intentions for the season through the powerful practice of vision boarding. Let’s align our bodies and minds for the transformative energy of autumn!